Knoster Model
You know you’re growing when you notice change happening within yourself and around you.
Most of us don’t like having to deal with changes in our lives because with it comes uneasiness and discomfort. But what we don’t really see is how this change is a sign of redirection towards a better path.
Want to improve how you manage complex change?
The Knoster Model is a great tool to use to ensure that you have all the elements you need in order to successfully execute change.
Without one of these elements, different issues might occur:
Without vision, confusion might arise: Every team needs a goal to work towards in order to enact change.
Without the right skills, anxiety might arise: Training your team ensures that they have the necessary skills and knowledge to conquer change.
Without incentives, resistance might arise: Your team needs to know what’s in it for them - whether its recognition, a raise, or a learning.
Without resources, frustration might arise: Aside from technology and manpower, time is a valuable resource that will allow for significant change to occur.
Without an action plan, false starts might arise: To actually get to a point of change, everyone needs to be clear on what needs to get down and who does them.
Complexity is never easy, but we hope that using the model above helps you to navigate it better.