Poem of Hope

Just as the bird doesn’t stop singing despite the storm, sometimes, reading is all you need to nudge yourself into the desired state of mind. Words, poems and affirmations can be powerful anchors to save in your 'mind toolkit' for when you need that nudge.

Hope is a key ingredient of happiness.

Feeling hopeful and having a sense of optimism has proven to give people more meaning in their lives, more potential and possibility. It also makes challenges seem easier to overcome and goals more attainable. Studies have even shown a correlation between hope and how well individuals perform tasks. It therefore also reduces stress and increases self esteem and ‘aliveness’.

We love this poem by 18th century American poet, Emily Dickinson, it reminds us that there is always something to give hope for. 

What have you read lately that gave you hope? Send us a message, we would love to hear from you.

Poem read by @practicewithcat


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