Taking Strides Ahead: From Stress To Hope

What have the last two months shown us? April the internet was buzzing with stress awareness advice following Stress Awareness Month and May (unless you were under a rock) the term ‘languishing’ was banded around by Adam Grant including in the NY Times as a way of putting a label to our current mental state.

As we hit mid-way through the year, how can we practically use these learnings and apply them to our own every day? Rather than dwell on the past we shall see if we can use some of these insights to propel us into the future - a brighter future that has space for our hopes and dreams. Will you join us in flipping the proverbial coin on pessimistic views and turn it to reveal a new shinier side to break the back of a ‘meh’ year? 

It’s high time that hope has its hay-day and we can’t wait to inject a month of hope into our brains, bodies and (hopefully) souls, too. We celebrated Vesak Day, watched the full strawberry moon through the clouds and as sure as we are that the sun will rise and set each day, there is most definitely a lot to be cheerful for.

I believe it is important that we follow up after these intentional ‘awareness months’, like recent Stress Awareness, and support individuals to make small steps part of bigger action plans they will achieve. This is crucial in creating long-term positive behaviour change, not just a one-off.
— — Says Yan Yi Chee, our Matter Inc. founder.

Chee was featured in Vogue last month sharing more of her views. A special thanks to Vogue writers Anne Lora Scagliusi and Alli Sim for the piece. 

Six steps you can practise year-long to turn stress into hope

Easier said than done but we must continue to be intentional in helping ourselves whatever the context or situation we find ourselves in. Coping with stress is part of the day to day life so if you’re finding a struggle in this area it is a good area to spend time focusing on developing new healthy behaviours that will last you a lifetime. 

Step one: Acknowledge

Notice what is triggering the stress and how it makes you feel, then try to take intentional steps to take back control

How to turn stress into hope? One step you might like to take is to talk about it and share how you are feeling with someone you confide in and discuss ways to improve your situation. 

Step two: Take note

Write down all that is worrying you. The phrase ‘better out than in’ works for stress and our emotions very well. This simple act alone will help you feel a weight has been lifted. Then, come back to your list when you are ready to prioritise and work through it. You can decide to do this alone or go through it with a colleague, friend or family member – or a coach - for support.  

How to turn stress into hope? Remember to jot down all that you are grateful for as well! Write a list of positives and negatives and challenge yourself to list more positives. 

Step three: Move more!

A technique that helps literally shake it off. Flick one arm, then the other. Shake one leg and then the other. Take a deep breath in then give your best loud sigh out. Do this when stress levels rise and just before you set out to tackle a challenge in front of you.

How to turn stress into hope? Set an alarm on your phone for a daily “shake it break” and turn this into a ritual if it feels good for you, do it with friends, family and co-workers to make it fun. Look forward to this time!

Step four: Learn to say "no"

Know your limits, manage your time and set healthy boundaries for yourself by taking control over parts of your life that can change and are causing stress. 

How to turn stress into hope? Remember that saying “no” now can later become a “yes”. If you honour your capacity now you will automatically feel more space in the body. Sometimes that “no” will be the only thing between you coping and crashing, If you do this regularly it will become a good habit. 

Step five: Focus, focus, FOCUS

So simple to say but yet not always simple to do. Learning to prioritise and focus so you avoid overwhelm is crucial to stress management.

How to turn stress into hope? By focusing the mind on one thing at a time, concentration will improve. Set a SMART goal for yourself now of what you want to focus on, today, this month, this year and get started today.  

Step six: Change your environment

If this is a contributing factor, turn off social, news, avoid traffic, and declutter. Spend quality time with another human being who makes you feel safe and understood.  

How to turn stress into hope? Take yourself on one weekly date to take time out for yourself where you do not need to consider anyone else. Where would you like to go –  a historic museum? A quiet café with a book or an afternoon roller-blading along the sidewalk of your favourite view?  

So, we know that managing stress is not easy but it IS possible, with the right tools, support and mindset. Stress can be so intangible that it can easily get into an overwhelming state; for any of us! Watch it, acknowledge it and follow these steps when you need to. Take one small step forward today, then the next tomorrow and see how you can turn stress today into hope tomorrow. We are right with you and here should you need us, stay tuned for our month of hopeful content to help us all with this much-needed gear change switch.

At Matter Inc. we provide integral coaching which is an approach to help bring your whole self out and learn how to integrate mind, body and soul, every day. We aim to help you make life matter more. To schedule a session with one of our trained coaches, drop us a message on LinkedIn or Instagram or book a chemistry session here.


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