What is self care and why is it so important in our busy digital world?

One of the viruses of our time is our busyness. We are virtuosos at constantly being on the go, achieving things, getting through our to-do lists, making sure things are under control. And when we aren’t doing things our minds are active thinking machines, mercilessly churning out thought after thought. That’s why it’s so important to take time for ourselves every day. But what is self care, and how do you incorporate it into your life? 

Try this self care exercise

Just take a moment and close your eyes. How many thoughts arise? How many of these thoughts feel like they are nagging you? How many feel like they are supporting you?

Most likely what you experienced was a barrage of thoughts that urge you to deal with something, or shame you in some way. With our monkey minds we are usually restless and fidgety, but wouldn’t it be wonderful to hear thoughts that somehow made you feel light and helped give you a sense of space: “You are beautiful and intelligent’, “You have all the time in the world, no need to feel rushed”, “Eat that and don’t feel bad about it”.

How can you bring self care into your life?

In this arena of never-ending activity it's all too easy to lose sight of ourselves, our true selves, and neglect what we need most. The loving embrace of self care can help us cope with the anxiety of modern day life and with self awareness we can listen to what we need.

So what can we do to bring self care into our busy lives? Here are a few suggestions that might work for you or at least give you a sense of where to start:

1. Take a breathing break  

When you sense things are getting on top of you, stop what you are doing and indulge in some mindful breathing for about 5 minutes. By taking a deep breath in and a longer out breath this will help you calm your highly activated nervous system and bring your body back to regulation. The could maybe develop into a daily mediation or sitting practice where your focus on breathing will help bring acceptance for what you are feeling in the present moment.

2. Find some time for yourself 

No matter how busy you are, you need to learn to find time for yourself. This may mean saying no to things that are asked of you, but this is an important step into giving yourself that much needed space. You may need an hour on your own to take a walk or to eat your lunch in peace, or simply to have some quiet time to ponder the world. When you do have this time for yourself is it important however not to carry on being busy, truly take some time for yourself.

3. Family, friends, community 

When we have these three groups in our life then we are truly balanced. Do you want to spend more time with your family? When did you last have a night out with some friends? What can you do to foster more of a community spirit at work or in your neighbourhood? Try to find this balance and nourish your relationships in each of these groups.

4. Nature 

Going for a walk outdoors is truly restorative, being somewhere where you have contact with nature will always help you recharge. Shinrin-yoku is a Japanese term that means forest bathing; just the image of bathing yourself in the air of the forest brings a sense of well-being. If you’re feeling stuck indoors go out now and take a walk, and on the walk take in the fresh air to reconnect you and the world.

These are just some of the ways you can be kinder to yourself through self care.

Be present. Be you. Be well.


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